LORIC has a proud history of working with and supporting Social Economy organisations in the Lincolnshire area and beyond. Take a look at some of our projects here.

A Social Economy Strategy for Greater Lincolnshire 2021 - 2031


In 2021, LORIC collaborated with Professor Nigel Curry to produce a report analysing data around the social economy sector in the Greater Lincolnshire area.

This project as a whole had the purpose of producing a meaningful and realistic Social Economy Strategy for Greater Lincolnshire as a means of unlocking the full potential of the county’s people and communities.

The document that was produced as part of this project describes the profile and nature of the social economy in general and includes the results of an analysis of the Greater Lincolnshire social economy landscape, as well as the results of research conducted with social economy organisations across the area.

This document has contributed to and informed the development of the Greater Lincolnshire Social Economy Strategy for 2021-2031.

Read the full report here

Mapping the Social Economy of Greater Lincolnshire: 2023 Update

In 2023, LORIC conducted a follow-up piece of research to update data on the social economy landscape across Greater Lincolnshire. This report provides an updated view of the data discussed in the 2021 report, demonstrating how provision in the area has changed over the previous two years.

Read the full report here


Lincoln Against Poverty Report


In 2024, LORIC was commissioned by Acts Trust (with funding from the City of Lincoln Council and Research England) to conduct a piece of research into into the current state of poverty in Lincoln city, to explore who is working to tackle poverty, and look at how poverty is being tackled on a
local level.

This report includes information and data around:

  • Food poverty and food banks
  • Benefit claims
  • Cost of living
  • Hygiene projects
  • Clothing and school uniform projects
  • Christmas projects
  • Warm Spaces

Read the full report here

Evaluation: Bridge Community Mental Health Hub

LORIC was commissioned in 2024 by the NHS Mental Health Transformation Team to carry out an evaluation of the Bridge Community Mental Health Hub, a wellbeing-focused centre offering a variety of services, located in Lincoln.

To carry out this evaluation, we:

  • Created a timeline of events leading up to the current format of the Hub, describing its beginnings
  • Undertook Stakeholder Mapping exercises to identify the people and organisations interacting with the Hub
  • Involved Stakeholders to gather their views on the Hub's impact and explore how they felt it could be developed in the future
  • Captured and measured impact using Social Value principles and impact management methodology
  • Produced a Social Return on Investment (SROI) evaluation using the Social Value Engine to provide a financial figure for the value of the impact of the Hub
  • Created a written report bringing together all of our findings

Read the full report here


LORIC Social Economy Services

Our commercial services can help your Social Economy Organisation with:

  • Competitor analysis (looking at other services in the area)
  • Market research
  • Demographic data (to assess potential need for a service in an area)
  • Evaluating projects
  • Social Return on Investment analysis
  • Data research to aid funding/bid applications

And more! Email us at loric@bishopg.ac.uk, or make an enquiry using the form below, to learn more about how we can assist you.