The LORIC project took its time to get going, but after an intervention from its awesome team, we have rounded off our first chapter with great results, hitting 7 of its 9 targets and over-performing on 5 of them.
Hours of high-impact support: 858.75
De Minimis Aid delivered: £48090.00
De Minimis Aid delivered: €53,071.69
Number of Companies Engaged Directly: 39
Of which:
28 Micro businesses
6 Small businesses
5 Medium businesses
Outputs achieved:
P2: Renovation of 635m2 of a public building
C1: 34 companies received 12 hours of support
C4: 32 of which received over 12 hours of support
C5: 5 of the supported companies were new entrants to the market
C8: 4.5 workplaces were created (reportedly) following the intervention
C25: 17 researchers work in improved facilities
C26: 4 collaborations between business and academia have been nurtured successfully
C28: 8 new products and services were introduced to market
C29: 10 new products and services were introduced to the beneficiary company
Digitization: Approximately 20,000 records were digitized in the last 3 months of the project
Events: Approximately 200 people attended our free events
Total Enquiries Received: 146
Number of Established Businesses Supported for 1 hour or more: 180
Combined Turnover of Businesses Supported: £37,136,334
Combined Number of Employees of Businesses Supported: 475.92
Most Common Reason beneficiaries got in touch: Digital and Technology Support
Most Represented Industry among beneficiaries: Health and Care
Performance against expectations:

Results also available at our CKAN website.
Exciting times are ahead. Stay tuned for more!